Christian Camps are a kiwi icon and national treasure. As part of our Christian heritage they should be celebrated and promoted.

Many Christian Camps around Aotearoa, New Zealand were started after the Second World War. There was a need for kids to connect with grandfathers, uncles, brothers and other siblings, as many men had been lost in the war.

Many camp sites were established in the 1950’s and 1960’s by generous benefactors and various Christian denominations. They recognised the unique opportunity of establishing sites for retreats, youth activities, outdoor adventure, evangelism, training and discipleship. The majority of these camps were established in key locations and in beautiful settings beside remarkable natural features.

The original idea of

“taking people away from their place of comfort, where they may reflect and discover new things that will change their lives forever”

is a powerful one.

Christian camping and conferencing provides an experience in a temporary community, using an outdoor setting and trained leaders, to meet spiritual and formational objectives.